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Andraste went with Maferath and the Aegis to the silver pond.
As she knelt in prayer, the servants of the Archon surrounded them,
Spears raised. Andraste drew her sword
And pierced one man through the heart, but Maferath,
With a blow from his axe, struck the blade from her hands.
And it fell to the ground, and where it landed, tears welled from the land.
Canticle of Apotheosis 1:12
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We are thrilled that you have chosen Wardens' Rest as the place to share your Dragon Age universe theories. Our community thrives on creativity and innovation, and we believe that your contribution will be an invaluable addition to our collection of knowledge.
The Chant of Light and the Evanuris
Analysis of convergences and similarities between verses of Chant of Light and elven beliefs, presenting a hypothetical past events.
Seven Gates of the Black City
The theory centers around the appearance of the Seven Gates within the Canticle of Exaltations, contemplating their potential relationship with both the ancient deities known as the Old Gods and the Eluvians. Moreover, it proposes that the Canticle of Exaltations may possess a predictive nature, possibly hinting at future events.
Mirrored Histories of Thedas
The elves reclaimed their heritage by revising history to bolster pride and challenge their former masters - magisters of Tevinter. They recast their deities as benevolent beings rather than malicious overlords. Central to this revision is The Canticle of Shartan — a stirring tale celebrating Dread Wolf's rebellion.
Symbols of Evanuris: Ancient Art
The Evanuris' symbols have appeared in games and Dragon Age related media since Origins. Each of elven gods have their own unique symbol, which has been depicted throughout the series. While some symbols can be easily attributed to specific Evanuris based on context or direct references, others remain more mysterious and open to interpretation.
Symbols of Evanuris: Guidance in the Stars
The stars in the night sky are not just to be observed; they hold deeper meanings that are closely tied to mythology and religion. Many constellations represent mythological beings from ancient times, serving as visual reminders of the stories and legends passed down through generations. As faith shifted from the Evanuris to the Old Gods, so did the symbolism of the constellations.
Symbols of Evanuris: Vallaslin
In the universe of Dragon Age, symbolism plays a crucial role in unraveling the history. This is particularly evident when it comes to the Elven vallaslins that carry profound meanings that are deeply intertwined with the symbolism of the Evanuris, the elven gods.
In the shadow of Slow Arrow
The speculation revolves around Ariane, the Dalish warrior encountered in Witch Hunt, potentially being a spy for the Dread Wolf. This inference comes from an analysis of her armor and certain inconsistencies in her dialogues and interactions with those around her. The sum of these contradictions raises questions about her true allegiance and motives.
Of Broken Souls, Of Broken People
The theory delves into the ancient history of elven civilization, providing insights regarding their nature through Solas' personal story and his true identity. It explores how certain passages within the Chant of Light allude to the distant past of the elves, proposes interpretations of 'light' and 'darkness,' suggests a potential origin of the Blight and makes an attempt at redeeming Corypheus.
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